Follows Bowers as he talks about his long journey to his first comedy special, the stigma of mental health, his schizophrenic father and his feelings r...导演: Bobby PeoplesRenee S. Warren Peoples
一对夫妇雇了一名妇女来照顾他们残疾的儿子。在注意到看护者奥利维亚的一些奇怪行为后,母亲决定仔细观察。奥...主演: John W. Bowers Sebastian David Tighe Gill Stephen Graham
负责维护布拉达郡内治安的警长,听闻自己的辖区出现了某种前所未见的神秘生物,牠螫伏在人烟稀少的农地,却不...主演: Jordan Kessler Ted Beck 戴夫·沙兰斯基 弗罗伦丝·C·M·克莱因 乔·达安格里奥 John McCool Bowers Nancy Daly 乔赛琳·唐娜休 托尼娅·科妮斯 Graham Sibley Kim Shannon Rachel Sondag Rachel Fleischer Bernadette Murray Hope Olaide Wilson
23年钱前乔丹和泰德用爆竹炸了杰夫的小JJ 成年后他们的爸爸被杰夫绑架了并且威胁他们在24小时以内和10个女人...